What can you see?
"They are dream landscapes, a true festival of the senses that everyone seeks and few, very few, know that it is here… so close!
There are 70 km of crystal clear water, from the Baixo Sabor dam to the mouth of the Azibo, with large lakes, connected by gorges and cliffs, which form a true wildlife sanctuary and offer visitors a blue sky and a breathtaking horizon. the breath. These are the Lakes of Flavor.
They were created with the construction of the Baixo Sabor Dam and unite the municipalities of Alfândega da Fé, Macedo de Cavaleiros, Mogadouro and Torre de Moncorvo. They are an invitation to contemplation, but also to direct contact with genuine, ancient traditions, with a world of unparalleled sensations. parallel."
(in: Terras de Trás-os-Montes, https://www.terrasdetrasosmontes.pt/ver-e-fazer/cultura-e-atracoes/parques-naturais/geo_artigo/lagos-do-sabor, visited in 12/12/2024, 19H00)