What can you see?
The intact mound is located on the flat top of a small hill with very gentle slopes, standing out from the surrounding landscape, although its visibility is limited in certain directions due to the existence of higher elevations nearby.
Considered the most surprising prehistoric monuments in Western and Northern Europe from the Neolithic and Chalcolithic periods, dolmens are part of the so-called megalithic era.
Dolmens are tombs with complex architecture that varies from place to place, but are essentially made up of a chamber flanked by vertically placed slabs (supports) and covered by another large slab (lid or cap). This chamber may or may not have an access corridor. When covered with earth, dolmens are called mounds (here called “madorras”).
in: https://www.cm-murca.pt/visitar/patrimonio/patrimonio-arqueologico/galeria , visited on 17/12/24, 15H00