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Route from Vilarinho das Azenhas to Ribeirinha

Entry price:


€ per person

Type of Location

Walking Route


Ribeirinha, Vila Flor, Portugal

What can you see?

The construction of the Tua dam contributed to a significant reduction in riparian areas of running water, with mature riverside forests dominated by native trees typical of these environments. Places where these riparian galleries remain in a good state of conservation therefore gain greater importance. This route highlights one of the best examples of this biotope in the Tua River. At the selected observation site, the galleries are present in all their splendor, forming a mosaic of protected habitat types (under the Community Habitats Directive), which are home to very rich and diverse fauna and flora communities.

in:, visited in 17/12/24, at 16H30.

Route from Vilarinho das Azenhas to Ribeirinha
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